Sunday, November 1, 2009

Are we outraged or just plain numb?

Are we outraged, bother, even slightly annoyed? I may be a bit skeptical but I'm not buying the whole, "I didn't notice the giant red swastika on his chest."

As for the "JH" on her dress, I am absolutely sure that it does not stand for Jew Hater or Jew hunter.

All speculation aside, the real issue is that nobody seems to care. This is the same singer who was at the music awards and upon receiving her award, she was interrupted my another singer during her speech and it was all she over the news. What a travesty! How dare she be interrupted while receiving an award.

When this comes out, the silence is deafening. The same victim of rudeness that occupied the headlines is barely worthy of a media mention when she poses with a swastika clad party goer.

Is society becoming numb to hate?

1 comment:

  1. Tom Hedkvist, 10-gruppenJanuary 2, 2011 at 4:32 AM

    Please support the gay struggle against heterosexual power. We, the gay brotherhood, are determined to rule the world. Join us verbaly and economicaly. Make people change there mind about us and tell them to se us as natural leaders. We have great influence in media and will change the agenda to put down the heterosexual sociaty. Never buy products or services from heterosexuals (worked fine in the village in the 70th, we banished the hetros, now the method is running at Södermalm Stockholm). Christianity and all religions are heterosexual constructions and neds to be changed to benefit homosexual supremacy. Help christian homosexuals to infiltrate and tear down the historical and todays christianity.
    Make the religious people hesitate their beliefs, say that their god and profets are gay, bring a yes-sayer with you (always) that stand on your side, its make it easyer to be convincing. Stand in front of a mirror to train speach with confidence, train to say a convincing "no" if somebody understand that the queer-theory is a facistic ideology.
    Make the gay network global "you must keep networking". The biggest social network that only consume each others services and products wins (they who doesnt belong to the network will consume the networks products and services and concentrate money to the gay network).
